If you are interested in exploring career opportunities at AugustinPartners LLC, please send your resume to the attention of Christoph Knorrenschild. We are seeking individuals who have an accounting or tax background.
Please be sure to provide: (1) a description of your work experience and (2) a copy your educational and professional certifications.
Christoph Knorrenschild cknorrenschild@augustinpartners.com
Staff Openings
Tax Professionals-Inbound International Experience
AugustinPartners LLC is a boutique tax consulting and compliance firm dealing mainly with inbound German, Swiss and Austrian taxpayers. We are currently seeking experienced tax professionals to join our practice. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with international issues as they relate to U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations, as well as foreign and U.S. partnerships. Both management and non-management levels are encouraged to apply. Please send resumes to cknorrenschild@augustinpartners.com.